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Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Bantu sebarkan Jangan jadi member TVI


When TVI Express first expanded to North America we initially gave it a high review. At the time they were supposedly a UK based company and had launched in India and China. Individuals were earning and getting paid great commissions. A couple months after our review they left their UK offices and put a hold on registrations for the 6 night 7 day vacations.

TVI announced that vacation registration would be online in November and that new offices were opening. We gave them the benefit of the doubt and lowered their rating to 3 stars.

The actual corporate location has now been revealed as being in Cyprus. Although the company ownership has not been released, compelling evidence has been revealed that the majority owner is a person that has been representing themselves as the top income earning member.

At the point of approaching one year no members have yet to actually take the 6 night 7 day vacation.

Customer support is still non existent.

In December TVI delayed commission payments by 15 days.

In January they paid bonus commissions to the online ewallets on January 10th. All members contacted have not been able to transfer those payments out of the TVI ewallet.

TVI is not supplying the products sold. They are not paying the commissions. They are currently under investigation in both the US and Australia.


Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Anti tvi express indonesia

Kami anti bisnis travel tviexpress, clubfreedom dll karena :
1. tidak akan ada bisnis travel yang panjang umurnya karean ini hanya perputaran uang yang akhirnya merugikan member bawah.
2. Keuntungan travel sangat kecil sehingga gak memungkinkan membayar bonus jangka panjang.
3. member membayar tidak semua bisa menggunakan vouchernya.
4. tidak ada bentuk fisik yang dijual.

Ini sekedar pengalaman karena pernah mendapatakan ratusan juta dengan member ribuan dan semua stop karean hal-hal di atas.
salam sukses,